She’s a Deep Person

The other day, someone I just met, a young woman named Sarah, told me, “I’m a deep person,” meaning that she considered herself to be insightful and intuitive. I responded with a muffled, “Oh,” and swallowed a laugh. It seemed to me that only a shallow person would proclaim herself to be “deep.” I met

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The Brain Switch

When I gaze at clouds, it seems that a brain switch flips and allows me to suddenly see dogs racing across the sky or sheep grazing in a field. The same thing happens when I doodle thousands of tiny ink lines on paper. When I stop and let my eyes wander around the random field,

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Exploding Fruit

The art process can lead an artist into unexpected byways. An innocent contemplation of harvesting autumn fruit took me in a surprising direction. The end of summer means ripening fruit on the trees and expanding squashes, like pumpkins, on the vines. As they reach maturity, I become excited. Harvesting yellow and orange squashes, red apples,

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Autumn Maple II

Autumn Maple II is a contrast in random movement and pattern. Although the tree seems to blow in the wind, if the viewer looks closely, repetitious designs emerge. The curving trunk shows stripes that angle upward. The green grass background features a variety of motifs. The blue-gray sky above seems to be comprised of tiny

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I love the purple blossomed jacaranda tree (pronounced “ha ka ran da”). I’ve enjoyed it in warm parts of the U.S.: southern California, Arizona, southern Nevada, Hawaii. It also thrives along the Gulf of Mexico border. My ink drawing, Jacaranda, depicts my adoration of this tree in several ways. On the trunk, I show long

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Art: "Blowing Tree" by artist Kaethe Kauffman

The Blowing Tree from the exhibit Gallery Artists XXI

Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York and online at Trees spend their lives in one place. And yet, in a tree’s solitary existence, enormous experiences occur. Weather bakes it or floods it. Insects invade. Sap rises and falls. Chemical messages from other plants flow through the air and underground. The tree grows or becomes ill.

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Depth – or Not

I love to draw with ink, any kind, from ordinary ballpoint pens to soft paintbrushes that I dip in rainbow colors. When I start, I use black or blue ink, making free-form energetic scribbles. As I stare at the abstract field of looping lines, I envision a design. To emphasize this image, I cut away

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Introduction: La Foresta

A guest post, by Curator Jen Dragon. A concept that originated in Japan during the 1980s, Forest Bathing, or mindfully walking in the woods, is prescribed as an antidote to an increasingly technological and alienating world. Kaethe Kauffman meditates on the unseen systems of forest growth as well as on memories of the calm, steady

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